
This website records the images and ideas evolving among a group of visual artists who share interests in art, spirituality and evolution.

Over the last six years, our international group (five at the moment) has been actively experimenting with the creative process beyond the individual.

Our purpose and context for working together is an exploration of the possibility of creative emergence as a group, each artist contributing in their special way to the whole. Every individual is thereby autonomous and at once in communion with the consciousness of the group.

We really value the process of emergence as a spiritual alignment, as something that is central to Life itself, and is mirrored in the art process, and that heightens its worth for us.

This way of working challenges us to respond with a higher degree of care, and the positive tension that results is transforming each of us into more conscious and adventurous creators.

Most of all, a deep trust has developed among us (we meet by teleconference every other month to share and discover the nuances of our experience). In short, we find it to be a transformative human experience.

That quality of emerging and things progressing and unfolding…. I think that’s also partly the way we are together. That sense that we come together and talk together, that it is an enquiry …. it’s very creative and it’s emerging all the time. We don’t know where it’s going to go when we start talking, or what’s going to happen.”

“We’re starting from a place of wholeness and making more wholeness …. it’s not something from nothing, it’s something from something wonderful!”