

In an unfolding universe, a fractal fragment of enquiring energy attempting to affirm and expand awareness, wishing: may the good be, be understood.  Also a subsistence homesteader in rural Montana, a painter, graphic artist, and writer working to share sight and insight, the inner and outer of what may be and what we might dare hope to make of it.



Engaging with the Collaborative Art Project since 2008 has opened new possibilities for Danielle Baudouin. A wider and freer path to making art has been evolving between us as we are letting the creative impulse emerge in unexpected ways. It informs us, as we nurture it.

Danielle was formally trained as an artist at the “Ecole des Beaux Arts” of Toulouse, France.  After school she moved to North America. She settled in San Francisco where she did work with fabric design and modern impressionistic paintings. A few years later, having moved to Florida, she opened a boutique/art gallery.

In the past 18 years her life took another turn into a journey of self discovery. Making art took a second place for a while as she engaged with deep questioning. The Art Project answered a need for exploration and purpose as an ever new inquiry into the nature of creativity and how it manifests between us.



Judy Fox has been in this Collaborative Art Project for about four years. She is delighted by our collective creative process both in our conversations and in our ongoing projects where we respond to each other’s images and where something new always emerges. It has stretched us all to go into new territory.

In her past, Judy was a teacher of English as a Second language, practiced and worked in Buddhist centers as a cook and was head of the printing department in a nonprofit educational spiritual organization

For the past ten years, Judy paints, writes, works on issues to do with climate change, is practicing dynamic facilitation and is in a group called the Evolutionary Collective led by Patricia Albere.



Dorith Teichman is an Israeli artist and art therapist. Painting is for her part of a life process of unfolding and expanding, being aware of change as it occurs.

Working together in the Collaborative Art Project has opened for her a new creative dialogue, bringing freshness and new experiences to the creative process. The experiences are shared with one another, supporting and enriching the individual and collective work. She has been involved in this current project from its beginning.

Dorith lived in the international community of Auroville in India for several years, working there as a textile designer and teacher of art. She has been practicing Tai Chi for many years. She developed an art workshop – “Inner freedom and the freedom to create” which leads to connecting with the inner sensations of the present moment and creating from there.





Alison Churchill has been engaged in the Collaborative Art Project since 2008 and finds the field that has developed between the group and the creative process which has developed out of it very compelling.  She has been involved in a number of experiments in intersubjective consciousness, including Community Building, Enlightened Communication, Bohm Dialogue and Emergent Dialogue.  She has been a Zen practitioner since 2013 and is junior Zen teacher.  She leads regular Zen Brushwork sessions in Sheffield, which involve meditation, energy-raising exercises and calligraphy using a large brush.  


INSTAGRAM: @alisonchurchill4