….. and Spring again

In a telephone conference call in early January 2020 we reignited our love of making work together. We decided we would go right back to the beginning and each make several marks/drawings in response to the theme “Genesis”. These images appear below.

Email correspondence after images were submitted:

“This is interesting!  There's something being said here about the freedom and complexity of Spring Again......  The paradox of it being impossible to return to the beginning with the knowledge we have gained but also, in the sense that Danielle was saying on the call, every moment is new, the Big Bang is happening in every moment.

So one option, which I had in mind, was that we would each produce our own first response, which would be an essential mark, a touch, a seed.

But the situation is that we have already a number of images which seem to be in various stages of development, which is in keeping more with life reality! 

How about we take one of each person's contributions, and really look at it and try to understand it.  If it is a primal mark, what does it want to become?  Not necessarily the whole becoming, but just the next step along the way to becoming.

And if the image is more developed, a curiosity in either 1) how did that image come to be? What was its genesis?  What would its primal mark have been like?  Or 2) take it forward -- what is its next step?  

In this creation we have the freedom to develop or destroy or both, with an open ended outcome which could be completion or could be just a step on the way. There won't be such clear stages, and each image will not move forward in lock step....”