My doodles are REAL DOODLES, done out of boredom because I have to be on hold with let’s say …Delta airlines…or someone like that.

What I do for “meditation” is draw without looking at the page; completely absorbed in the subject.



Below are my efforts, although I’m not sure they are really doodles.  We never exactly defined that term, but what has shown up so far suggests it means 1. Drawing and/or 2. Mark making done while one is technically doing something else.  It has been  interesting to realize I don’t draw while doing something else—I might be happier when stuck on “hold” on the phone if I started doing this?  I do tend to “see” images/compositions in random arrangements of objects I encounter and then photograph them—sometimes having done a bit of rearranging and then exaggerating some aspects in photoshop—maybe these further steps also take them out of the doodle category?  The one attached non photo “drawing”—writing image based on a statement that emerged on our last call– had been in my head ever since—at least the idea of writing and rewriting the phrase and then eventually cutting back on the words.  What is on the facing page emerged in the process of getting around to actually writing the phrase. My scanner clipped the edges of the page a little.

Tonight it has occurred to me that maybe this project is a kind of transition from actually working together to a phase when we look together at what we are doing individually in the context of what we have done together in recent years.  Not sure about this or what, if true, this really implies.


Response to Laura: I am very interested to see what you see.  It is fascinating how you arrange  objects or select them in a frame — and they have so much in common with your  paintings. I see the bones of your seeing, the connections in your mind.