The Brief

We decided to do an experiment in creating artwork together.
The idea comes from a childhood painting game where all the participants sit in a circle, draws a mark and then passes it on to the next person to add to.

Our translation of this is :
–          Each person begins a drawing on a square paper created from a regular A4. (21×21 cm.)
–          There is a maximum of 30 minutes time limit to draw , it is important to keep in mind that eventually all the participants will add something to the drawing.
–          Then pass the drawing by email to the next person, who prints it and continues drawing on it
–          The list is as follows: 1. Alison ; 2. Daniel ; 3. Dorith ; 4. Judy ; 5. Laura
–          That means that each one passes her drawing by email to the next one on the list.
–          Imagine this being a circle, so that Laura passes to Alison.
–          The rules are that one can not erase something that was drawn by anyone else.
–          You can choose to respond to the drawing you receive with pencil or ink pen, each time according to what you feel.
–          When the circle is completed we will post the outcomes in the blog.
–          We will each begin with our drawing in the next few days, and pass it on.
–          We will try to respond and pass on each paper we receive within 3 days.
–          All in all this process should take about 2 weeks.

Talking about this brought up a sense of excitement and curiosity about how it will feel and what it will bring up.
We thought that after this the next stage of the experiment will be for each person to continue working on the paper she began with until it feels complete…

Click on the drawings below to see how they developed.