The Brief

1. We will all begin by making a first mark using the same size paper (8.5 x 8.5 inch or 21cm x 21 cm square) with pencil, charcoal, or pen.

2. We will email our mark to Alison who will put them all on the blog site and we will each individually vote which one we prefer to continue with. If there is a lot of disparity, we may ask Axel or Mags for their opinion.

3. We will then each print out the mark that got the most votes, and add to it with pencil, charcoal or pen.

4. We will then send our response to Alison who will post them on the website, and we will then decide which one we want to continue with.

5. This process continues until we are left with only one finished “product.”

It would be good to keep the whole sequences of images as perhaps in the future we may want to work on some of the earlier images that we “rejected. This shall be very interesting to see the variation of responses to one marking and even the process within ourselves of how we choose one image over another to continue with.

Our goal is to complete the first mark in the next week. Ideally it would be great if we could do one per week (or one every other week) until completion.

Click on each stage below in turn to see the results.